Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter at the Farm

We ventured off to my parents place for Easter this year....7 hour drive down the road with a screaming kid is my kind of fun!! Here are the pics...

We did have a lovely time and Owen loved the freedom!! Our next stop Tamworth...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tantrums and teething

I have read a very popular parenting book that claims teething is a myth. That lady is mental. Owen is cutting his eye teeth and it is seriously messing with him. He is just not himself. I blame this for the disgusting tantrums I have been witnessing this past week. My god my boy can put on a patty!!
We went to Petrie markets on the weekend for my birthday and it was a disaster. He refused to sit in his pram and screamed like someone was strangling him until he got out! We let him walk but there was no way he was holding our hand and if we tried he threw himself onto the ground in a blaze of screaming, crying and shouting! If we let him walk on his own he would run as fast as he could into the crowd never to be seen again. Exhausted we eventually went home. Time to get strict with this monster, teething or not.

Earning his keep

I decided to put Owen to work last week...

He managed to cut his finger fairly badly on what must of been a plastic container, that's all he was washing up.....and as a result received his first bad aid...

It lasted 5 minutes before he pulled it off!

A new bed

We bought a toddler bed for Owen the other week. We have yet to try it as he sleeps so well in the cot. We'd like him to be in his bed by the time Flynn comes, but we'll wait till he is 16 or 17 months to give it a real shot.
Cute huh?

23 weeks and a name!

So this is the belly at 23 weeks! Still not huge even though the scales tell me I've put on close to 10kgs! Feeling ok at the moment....lots of kicking being felt, more so than with Owen. It even keeps me awake at night. Dave and I have also decided on a name for our little boy....Flynn! I think Owen & Flynn sound great together! So Flynn it is!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Dave and I both have birthdays in April...Dave turned the big 30 this year! Me? I am still a young 28!

All photos are via phones as someone wet our camera and it seems to have stopped working.....