Friday, August 5, 2011

the 39th week

My (hopefully) last week of pregnancy....feeling all the normal complaints of being heavily pregnant...but this week has been particularly hard as Owen has been struck down with a cold, conjunctivitis and gastro...which means a very sooky little boy....but I guess that's life...better he be sick now than when Flynn arrives. Two friends of mine looked after Owen this week so I could get my toe nails painted and get my hair I fear time for these things will be non existent for a few months..Thanks Nicky and Bec...I've actually had many of my friends offer to have Owen for me to rest, just never got around to taking them up on their kind offers....maybe I'll hit them up when I have actually had Flynn!
So I am excited about meeting the little guy, but also quite worried about things too. Especially breastfeeding, as that was a total failure last time and how will I cope with two? Last time around I was totally focused on the birthing process and didn't give too much thought on what would happen after the birth. This time I haven't really been too concerned with labour but life after labour!
I guess I am just hoping to be a bit more at ease with the newborn phase so I can enjoy that very short time in Flynn's life....I'll leave you with a few pics taken this week.... next post should be a baby arrival post!
A new tool bench for Owen (Gumtree bargain)


Upsidedown, upsidedown
New obsession, picking flowers, very cute

Bush walking

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