I am 9 weeks pregnant and OMG I am sick. Looking at a computer screen makes me sick, the colour of my blog makes me sick....everything makes me sick!!!
We are very excited about being parents again...but god the 1st trimester is a bitch to get through! Constant mood swings (ok that's normal), nausea, extreme fatigue, nausea, sore breasts, nausea, hot flushes and a bit of vomiting. But at least I know it will end. I have two sister in laws that never really experienced
morning ALL DAY sickness and i am so jealous of all those women that don't really have to put up with it!! Just to top it off I am one of those people who pack on the weight when I instantly fall pregnant, with Owen I piled on 20 kgs!!! and I am on track to match that with a lovely 3kgs already. Can't wait for the 2nd trimester when I actually look pregnant and I start to feel normal again!
But it is all worth it!!!
Minutes old!
OMG OMG Congrats!!!! How very exciting for you! I have everythign crossed for you that the sickness eases sooner rather than later..