Saturday, November 19, 2011
Bye bye baby weight
So I am not quite to goal weight... Actually 1 kg off. But I am feeling very proud of myself for getting rid of those few extra kgs. Now to join a gym and tone up. I know that this is a very selfish post but to feel healthy and fit is such an important thing for me. I am not into being super skinny but def healthy and strong. Dave has actually approved for me to join a gym in the new year!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
My very talented niece
My niece competed in her first gymnastics competition just recently. And did incredibly well. She came first in many of the apparatus and over all was champion! Wow what a great result for a girl who has not been doing gymnastics for very long! A natural!
I really must blog a bit more frequently....
So I really should blog at least weekly... this is a big post...
First off the rank... My sister is moving to Brisbane to study next year and came up to visit for a few weeks to 'try' Brisbane. Not sure of her perception of Brisbane after living with a strung out mother and her very small children... but I believe she will return....maybe a student share house will be more to her liking?? Anyway she was a great help and Owen and Flynn love her to bits.... good ol' Auntie Tuls.... Photos proving this love are below...
First off the rank... My sister is moving to Brisbane to study next year and came up to visit for a few weeks to 'try' Brisbane. Not sure of her perception of Brisbane after living with a strung out mother and her very small children... but I believe she will return....maybe a student share house will be more to her liking?? Anyway she was a great help and Owen and Flynn love her to bits.... good ol' Auntie Tuls.... Photos proving this love are below...
Now Owen is a big Daddy's boy....just about every afternoon we have to go out onto the front lawn to await the arrival of Dadda...
Running up the street to greet Dadda
Ahhh we are all glad when Dadda gets home!
Something not quite going to plan.... according to Owen
I got Owen a tea set hoping to see some pretend play....but pretty much all he does is tip his 'cup of tea' all over himself and then get incredibly cranky that all his 'tea' is all over the ground.
One of our many bush walks. This time we are in a dry creek bed...
Learning to blow a dandelion thingy
My little gardener who again just wants to water himself
Whales... got to love the Bay area for cool parks!
We found a baby lorrikeet and Dave really wanted to keep it but we ended up giving it to Wildlife Rescue
My parents returned from their month long trip to China... They really loved it...Think they are looking into their next trip...Europe...There goes our inheritance...hey Clayton?
Owen is slowly beginning to like his brother....think he realises he is not going back to where he came from...I will leave you with some cute Flynn pics! He is growing so quickly getting very close to 8 kgs....and he is only 12 weeks...OMG!
Oh and my boys! This was taken at about 5 am one morning...
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Just a few happy snaps
Brothers hanging out
Off on one of our park crawls
Flynn is one happy bub!
First sit in the bumbo
Not wanting to miss out on the action...
A good weekend
I have been looking forward to Clare and Cat visiting for ages... Clare is getting married in March and Cat and I are her bridesmaids. Last weekend they flew up to go bridesmaid dress shopping...and we found a fab dress!! ( Don't worry Clare I wont post a photo!) Can't wait for the wedding! We also met up with Nina on Saturday afternoon and caught up over a few vinos!

Clare, Flynn and Cat
Me, Clare and Nina
Monday, October 24, 2011
Photo update
Messiness of eating, something I really don't deal well with...
I really should supervise better... This is Owen taking over Flynn's play gym thingo
ZZZZzzzzz or are you just tricking?
Owen and his good mate Theo having a long lunch...Owen loves Theo so much... or as Owen says "eeeoooo, eeeeoooo, eeeeeeooooo!"
Weight Watchers and me!
Weight Watchers and I have had a relationship before.... a few years ago I had accidently put on 10kgs and a friend and I joined up and I ended up losing that 10kgs....So I have joined up again to lose that sneaky 10kgs that has hung around after Flynn was born. I pile on the weight when pregnant. I just go mad eating whatever I want, so I guess the 10kgs is not so sneaky. Anyway this is my 4th week of Weight Watchers and I have lost 4 kgs... I like doing WW as it is such a healthy way to lose weight and it really teaches you that you can eat and drink what you want as long as you plan for it.... you don't feel like you miss out.... So hopefully I get to my goal by xmas!
Haha you wouldn't believe it but this is the ONLY photo of me with Flynn and Owen. These 2 kiddos are the reason for that extra lard hanging around....Hopefully by xmas there will be a nice photo...
A visit to New Farm Park
Recently my mothers group went to New Farm Park, I couldn't make it but had heard good thing about the a few of the sister in laws and I headed in to check it out! We caught the ferry from Bulimba and walked to the park. It threatened rain but stayed clear for us...It was a lovely day...Flynn was such a good boy and Owen, well he was a typical two year old! Unfortunately the kids playground was closed so Owen had to be content looking at the rose garden...2 year olds love strolling through rose gardens don't you know!? Thanks to the aunties for chasing him around most of the time!!
Katrina and Ely
Cutie pie Ely
Lisa and Archie
Appreciating the rose garden
Cheeky monkey!
The base
Monday, October 17, 2011
Since having babies life changed greatly for me... well der that's what happens when you have kids...but really you have no idea how much things change until it happens to you...
When I was pregnant with Owen I had such wonderful, beautiful ideas of what having a baby would be know think huggies adds.. I kept imagining the moment when I would first lay eyes on my new baby boy and I'd cry just imagining it.
...Then it happened, Owen was born...and I felt numb....I felt shock...I felt like I wanted to put him back...I did not feel like I was supposed to. He cried and cried for the entire first 2 hours of his life...I could not settle him...I could not feed him...I felt like a failure....and continued to feel that way for a long time. Most of Owens first 6 months of life was not pleasant for me. I felt inadequate. I lost my temper so easily. I cried a lot. I was terribly lonely. I felt like I was a terrible parent. But I thought these things were all normal...and to an extent I suppose they are...becoming a parent is a shock. Anyway as Owen got older and decided to sleep during the day things started to get better...I cried less and felt happier.
When I became pregnant again I was over the moon but as the pregnancy progressed I started to become anxious about the reality of having a toddler and a new baby. When Flynn was born the shock was not as great, I'd been there done that and Flynn was such a relaxed, chilled baby but those terrible temper tantrums and the constant crying ( from me) started again. I felt out of control, over whelmed. I wanted to enjoy my kids and I wasn't. Cue those guilty feelings. Every morning I woke and thought ... god not another long day.... I wanted to be anywhere but here... After one particularly rough day I thought this cannot be normal to feel this terrible all the time... I booked an appointment with a councillor and my dr.
The result was I was diagnosed with postnatal depression. I am taking many steps to fix this diagnoses as kids are little for such a short amount of time and I have already missed out on too much... Time to get better....I debated whether or not I was going to post about this, but you know what, it is not something to be ashamed of...
...Life is Difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. Once we truly know that life is difficult--once we truly understand and accept it--then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters."
When I was pregnant with Owen I had such wonderful, beautiful ideas of what having a baby would be know think huggies adds.. I kept imagining the moment when I would first lay eyes on my new baby boy and I'd cry just imagining it.
...Then it happened, Owen was born...and I felt numb....I felt shock...I felt like I wanted to put him back...I did not feel like I was supposed to. He cried and cried for the entire first 2 hours of his life...I could not settle him...I could not feed him...I felt like a failure....and continued to feel that way for a long time. Most of Owens first 6 months of life was not pleasant for me. I felt inadequate. I lost my temper so easily. I cried a lot. I was terribly lonely. I felt like I was a terrible parent. But I thought these things were all normal...and to an extent I suppose they are...becoming a parent is a shock. Anyway as Owen got older and decided to sleep during the day things started to get better...I cried less and felt happier.
When I became pregnant again I was over the moon but as the pregnancy progressed I started to become anxious about the reality of having a toddler and a new baby. When Flynn was born the shock was not as great, I'd been there done that and Flynn was such a relaxed, chilled baby but those terrible temper tantrums and the constant crying ( from me) started again. I felt out of control, over whelmed. I wanted to enjoy my kids and I wasn't. Cue those guilty feelings. Every morning I woke and thought ... god not another long day.... I wanted to be anywhere but here... After one particularly rough day I thought this cannot be normal to feel this terrible all the time... I booked an appointment with a councillor and my dr.
The result was I was diagnosed with postnatal depression. I am taking many steps to fix this diagnoses as kids are little for such a short amount of time and I have already missed out on too much... Time to get better....I debated whether or not I was going to post about this, but you know what, it is not something to be ashamed of...
...Life is Difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. Once we truly know that life is difficult--once we truly understand and accept it--then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters."
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Catch up
The last few weeks have flown by and I have not really had the time to blog. Here is a catch up photo post.
Flynn loves his bath!
About 5 weeks
Play time
Flynn 7 weeks
Flynn loves Owen, Owen is still not too fond of Flynn
Clayton and Talea with Flynn
Smiley baby!
Garden growing with actual flowers!
Tummy time
Beautiful boy!
Another beautiful boy!
Blue eyes!
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