When we first moved here I was so very excited about the whale park and the wadding pool here in Wynnum. Yes secretly I wish I could play on the whales but it is always full of kids!! One day!! Anyway now Owen can get around I thought it was about time I let him have a play. My god he loves the park more than me. Crawled straight in and that's where he stayed for a good part of 45 min.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Festive season
So I actually put my Christmas tree up over a week ago. Here is a pic but now looks a little less nice as Owen attacks it whenever he can. His favourite word is staaaaaaaar! Well his only word apart from Daddy. Having kids really does make you get more enjoyment in these sorts of activities!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Invitations are so bloody expensive, for something someone is going to throw away. So I just made up on on publisher. Basic, but I like it.
Thanks Shael for the idea!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
My sister
My sister means the world to me. She is 19. She is caring, loving and warm. She is artistic. She is musical. She loves to dance. She has a special sparkle in her eye. She is driven. She sees the good in people. She forgives. She is generous. She is indeed very clever. She is stunning. She has a smile that would brighten the dullest day. She is loyal. She is crazy. An all over beauty! I love you little sister. X

So hard to get a photo just of Tulsa.
So hard to get a photo just of Tulsa.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Taking steps!
A very proud moment today! At exactly 11 months Owen is taking steps! His longest walk has been 4 steps! Take a look...
Sunday, November 21, 2010
We have all been sick over the weekend - nasty gastro- poor Owen went down first, then me and now it looks like Dave is heading that way... So yucky! Gone are the days where you can just lie around feeling sorry for yourself when you are sick!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Look what I just bought
I really want to get back into running but with a bub and the bloody humidity in Brisbane it is hard. So no excuses now! Well until I get pregnant again. But even when I do fall pregnant again I'd love to keep active. Unlike last time. My ultimate goal is to run half marathons and maybe a marathon or two when I have decided to stop having babies!!
Would prefer to be walking
Owen walks around with his walker all day. He crawls up to it, pulls himself up and starts walking like a grandma with a walking aid. It is hilarious! Even more freaky is when I am in the kitchen he scoots past and all I see is the top of his head. I have to take a second look. My boy is growing up!
This is his latest trick...look mum no hands!
Like all mothers I think I have a very cute baby. But then I took this photo! Aww I still think he is a cutie pie!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I did it! Don't look closely...
I finished my first sewing project, a Christmas nappy cover. It is all together and actually looks ok from a distance. But when you look closely, it is rough as guts....but a good first effort, good on me!
Pattern cut
ready for elastic
Strike a pose!
This is where I got the pattern and step by step instructions (all free!)
Gold Coast weekend break
We had a mini holiday to the Gold Coast last weekend with Bec, Paul and Theo.We only stayed two nights, but it really felt like a holiday. Just what Dave needed. Think he is a bit stressed of late. This is the view from where we stayed!
The weather was amazing, just perfect for lots of swimming! Owen and Theo loved the water! Owen also loved following Theo around and invading his personal space!!
Wish we could of stayed longer!
The weather was amazing, just perfect for lots of swimming! Owen and Theo loved the water! Owen also loved following Theo around and invading his personal space!!
Another positive about moving to Brisbane is that we live close to Will and Archie, who are Owen's cousins. Here are a few photos of a swimming trip we had with Lisa and Archie on Thursday.
Aren't they cutie pies!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
New baby!
My sister in law, Katrina is due to have her first baby very soon! She is in Mexico with her fiance and will have the baby there and then will return back to Australia early next year! I am very much looking forward to seeing her again and meeting her little man! I was just snooping on her on Facebook page and came across her baby shower photos! So I hope you don't mind Trina!!!

I can't get over how good she looks...I looked like a puffy whale when I was this far along!
I can't get over how good she looks...I looked like a puffy whale when I was this far along!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Here it is!
A nice 'entry level machine', according to the sales woman. Now to work out how to start her up! I think I'll name her Bessie. Ooo i even have a few complimentary lessons so I should be an expert in no time...right??
Weekend stuff
We have been busy this weekend looking after our nephews! That busy I forgot to take photos!! Oops! A good time was had by all! Owen loved playing with the big boys.
This afternoon we went to the first birthday of Isaac, he is the first baby in our mothers group to turn one! There are many more to come....not that I am expecting to be invited to them all....
This afternoon we went to the first birthday of Isaac, he is the first baby in our mothers group to turn one! There are many more to come....not that I am expecting to be invited to them all....
Some of the babies that were at Isaac's party
The birthday boy and his big cake!
This is Maddie
And this is Isla!
Jacinda, Emanuel and Kaleb
Riley taking his toy back!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Off to see Kaleb
On Thursday we ventured down the freeway to visit Jacinda and Kaleb! We spent nearly the entire day there! The weather was terrible but the boys both had decent naps and Jacinda and I got to have a nice chat! I like hanging out with Jacinda, she is a very calm person...and I always feel very chilled after a chat with her! She is also a teacher and sometimes it's nice to talk school...
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